My junior college life passed pretty as there was only 2 years to spend. In my family, studies take a higher priority than interests and hobbies and so I studied.....just studied. Naah I'm lying, one of my major impetus to go college was to finally get a glimpse of some beauties, I mean college beauties and I should tell you I wasn't disappointed. I think I got a fair deal for the amount of money I paid for that shit-hole, so I didn't feel cheated at the end of it all.
But I never sang in those two years, though I had the opportunity. I should say stage-fright got the better of me. The only thing worth mentioning during those two years was, it was the first time I asked a girl out.....only to be rejected downright. So all in all those 2 years were not too productive except for the fact that a guy who studied in a different class and whom I didn't know then would later turn out to be my best buddy for life.

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another,
'What! You too? I thought I was the only one."

And that's what exactly happened two years later...................

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    Bathroom singer, wannabe musician, english to malayalam song translator, engineer, wannabe writer(this website is mainly for fulfilling my fantasy about having a website and also a way to force myself to write more)


    January 2013
    December 2012



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